
Welcome to my home =] I believe in a total hands on, learn as you go type of existance bcause you can't cultivate knowledge about new things without getting your hands dirty. So if you're willing to watch me stumble through the process then check back often. This site will always be a work in progress... sorta like me!

An American Story

Filed under: Life and living it by speedy @ 12:34 pm | Comments (0)   

I usually don’t go all political, I leave that to couchmouse, but it’s October and we are rapidly approaching that pivotal day in early November when we have an opportunity to be instrumental in choosing our Government through the VOTEing process. I love my country but I’ve grown to fear my Government so I’m praying that each American citizen “do-the-right-thing” and VOTE for the candidate who will take this country in a direction that is for the highest possible good of ALL concerned. Yes, the best for everyone… not the few, not the elite, not those who have the most $$$… because we all know it’s ALWAYS about the money and that’s exactly why America is suffering so right now! Don’t think that one vote can’t possibly make the difference… watch the debates… be informed. Weigh the consequences of your VOTE and use the hindsight of the past eight years as a guide when you exercise your precious right to VOTE on November 4, 2008.
The video below comes from a blog “Politics After 50″ that I highly recommend… like she says “It’s never too late to get pissed off!!

OCTOBER highlights… On our way out the door to the Bowers Museum to see China’s first emperors’ TerraCotta Warriors exhibit we found a newly hatched tortoise crawling down the driveway headed for the street. Quickly we did a twice-over of the surrounding area and the backyard to see if there were any more hatchlings… Michael found a suspicious area that looked like a nest and covered it with a bucket until we returned later in the afternoon. Once home he found one in the pool and one half way out of it’s shell. Five more eggs were unearthed… one was unfertilized, three were cracked and rotting and one perfect uncracked egg that may, in the next few days, give us the third viable desert tortoise out of a clucth of eight eggs…. as of 10/31/08 only one hatchling has survived. Matthew/Kari/Stella move into their new home and mark their 8th wedding anniversary, Matt (35) & Leann (34) celebrate birthdays with their niece Stella this month turning 1 years old while taking her first steps!!! Happy Halloween everyone =]

Side Blog

Exploring the links will tell you alot about what makes me purrrrr... I won't be putting up a BIO, you wouldn't believe me anyway. I will confess that words are a passion for me, thus the lyrics link, so I will be adding quotes or bits and pieces of songs that make my heart sing and you are welcome to take and use anything that moves you. I've probably swiped them from somewhere anyway... so enjoy.

Embrace this moment... Remember we are eternal... All this pain is an illusion.

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy. They are the charming gardners who make our souls blossom"~Marcel Proust

“Grief shared is half grief. Joy shared is double.” ~ Proverb

"Blessed are the hearts that can bend; they shall never be broken."~Albert Camus

"A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory."

"Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors."~African Proverb